Our Story
fly away . . .
The phrase conjures up a sense of freedom, imagination, adventure. That’s why we chose the name Flyaway Books. We hope those who read our picture books feel as if they are soaring high, exploring new lands, seeing the world from a new perspective.
Flyaway Books embraces diversity, inclusivity, compassion, care for each other, and care for our world. Many of our books explore social justice and other contemporary issues. Some retell familiar religious stories in new ways, while others carry universal themes appealing to those with any, or no, religious background.
Our authors and illustrators range from familiar names to emerging talent: the legendary Katherine Paterson; award-winning biographer Kathleen Krull; activist and AME pastor Michael W. Waters; New York Times best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor; author/artist/muralist Katie Yamasaki; New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine; respected biographer Michael G. Long; poet Carey Wallace; popular authors Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Kathleen Long Bostrom, Barbara DiLorenzo, and Laura Gehl; and many more.
In just our first few years, Flyaway’s picture books have been praised by The New York Times Book Review, The Horn Book, School Library Journal, Booklist, Publishers Weekly, Foreword Reviews, Essence, and Kirkus Reviews, including starred reviews for books of exceptional merit. Several were named Junior Library Guild selections and/or received esteemed recognition, including the inaugural 2020 Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice.
Many of our books can be found in libraries, schools, and general trade bookstores, while some are suited for progressive faith communities. Although Flyaway Books is young, the imprint is affiliated with Westminster John Knox Press (WJK), a publisher with more than 175 years of history.
We invite you to share our books with your favorite young person as Flyaway Books continues to grow wings. Open up the pages together, and let your imaginations fly away.